Prints and Commissions


Archival giclee prints on canvas and paper are available all sizes.

  • prints available up to original size
  • mini collector addition prints
  • limited edition giclee prints, paper prints
  • paint-over-giclee prints available

Please email me for more information, prices and availability.


I am always open for commissioned work.  If you like my paintings and want to bring your vision to life,  my process is talking with you about your vision and what you are wanting to create.  A great example is “Retreat of the Sacred.” The people who commissioned me to paint this were a couple from Mt. Shasta. In their painting they wanted butterfly wings, a tree, and water. My job was to bring these elements to life. I did a few rough sketches to show them different ways of expressing those images through art, and they chose one of my suggestions. They gave me a picture of themselves to put in my painting studio space as well as a CD where she sang wonderful kirtan music.  In the painting process I channeled both of their energies and allowed them to flow through me on to the canvas, creating exactly what they wanted.
Commissioned work can be as personal as you like, to each its own. When it comes to your painting, it is totally up to you. I do ask for a down payment for the piece before it is started after our first conversation when there is more of an idea of what you are wanting created.